Wayfinding Programs Speed Economic Recovery for California Cities

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Cities around the world are reeling from the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic.  Job losses, business closures have changed the economic landscape and created some real challenges for city leadership to navigate. You may be asking…

 ·     How quickly can our local economy recover once we completely open?

·     What is the most cost-effective strategy to bring in revenue now

·     How can we encourage consumer spending to rebuild our businesses?

 Graphic Solutions is working with the City of San Marcos’ Economic Development, Planning and Public Works staff to create a comprehensive program of gateway and wayfinding signage that matches the City’s new branding.  Solutions allow for temporary community event messages, design elements to differentiate each neighborhood and a Guidelines document that ensures sign consistency for future enhancements.  San Marcos’ investment will be readily recouped as visits to local attractions and businesses increase because of improved navigation and awareness about events. 

 “In terms of business attraction and retention, [the new wayfinding program] makes businesses feel that the City is well-managed.”

“The City is not a drive-through place anymore, but a drive-TO place.  Makes the citizens feel good.”

           -Tess Sangster, Economic Development Manager for the City of San Marcos

If you would like to learn more about how this strategy can expedite your city’s economic recovery, call us at (619) 239-1336.